Sunday, March 3, 2013

Watching the world from the windows of my life...!!!

I see things, so differently from other peoples, why?!

because I see the world from the windows of my life.!
...and I saw :

1) when the shit hits the fan...!!!
well, I saw the shit hits the fan.!,
some people saw the shit flying around and captured it and arrested the smell,
some are smeared by the shit...
and for some people (the good samaritan) - trying their best to clean-up the shit, and the smell...
....and for some people, they are talking shit...!!!

2) barking up the wrong tree...!!!
a dog barks, people as well...
people bark, somewhat different from the dog.!
some bark with loud noise as loud as they could...,
some just plainly barking up with no specific reasons...,
...and some others bark with their heart.!
the latter are the silence-majority...!!! hard you are barking up, no matter how and for what cause you are fighting for.?! - please do not bark at the wrong tree...!!!

...and I always saw :

... most people are given with :

..."benefit of doubt"...





Nizam.Ariff said...

trees have barks... there's always right tree to bark at.

sepa said...


Apsal ko tak tegur aku tulis dalam bahasa omputih...?!!! Hehehe


Nizam.Ariff said...

Weh, ko cuba cungkil apa kisah sebenar pasal tanah Felda kat Sabah tu...

sepa said...


aku orang Sarawak.! bukan org Sabah.! sori bang.!

malas aku nak jenguk apa ada dlm kelambu orang... hehehe