Tuesday, October 30, 2012

5 Ways to Help Save The Environment...


Nota :

Memandangkan entri sebelum ini "Kesihatan asas kesejahteraan hidup... cara-cara menjaga kesihatan diri." mendapat sambutan atau lawatan yang menggalakkan - yang menjadi entri rank#2 dalam entri yang paling kerap dilawati di blog tHeLONGwaLk, maka aku dalam nada merendah diri, aku mintak kebenaran daripada dak Hanna (yang sekarang di Tahun5), untuk publishkan write-up terbaru dia, berjudul "5 Ways to Help Save The Environment".
Write-up ini, adalah text yang diolahnya sendiri, yang digunakannya untuk contest Public Speaking yang dianjurkan oleh sekolahnya hari ini, yang dengannya telah menobatkannya menjuarai contest itu, dan selanjutnya dia terpilih untuk mewakili sekolah...

Aku cakap kat Hanna, tujuan pak ko publish, agar mungkin ada audien di luar sana yang berminat untuk membaca, dan mungkin juga bulih dijadikan sebagai semacam bacaan untuk dirujukbanding oleh mereka yang sebaya dengannya.


A very good morning to the honourable judges, the ever supportive teachers and my fellow friends. My topic today is ‘5 Ways to Help Save The Environment’.

We can all make a difference when it comes to saving the environment. Its the small thing we do that makes a big impact. Here are some simple changes that we can do in our everyday life to ensure that our planet recovers from the wounds that we inflicted on it.

Step 1, Walk sometimes. You don’t have to take your car everywhere you go. If your workplace or school is in walking distance, or you can ride a bicycle to get there, then do it. Not only are you helping to save the planet, but at the same time you’re exercising and helping yourself to stay healthy and fit. Most big cities that have the worst traffic jams also have bicycle paths and walking trails. You’d be suprised how much more convenient they were for you.

Step 2, Pick it up! People litter, that’s just the way it is. You’ll see plastic bottles, cigarette packs all lying on the ground. It won’t hurt or inconvenience you at all to pick it up as you walk by. If you see a plastic bag blowing by you, grab it and put it in the nearest trash bin. Most places have recycling bins set up all over the place. Sure, its not your fault that some people just don’t care. But you do!  Show it by caring for Mother Earth.

Step 3, Use less energy at home. Whether you work from home or you just like to lounge around watching television, there are all sorts of ways you can conserve energy at home and do your part to save the environment. If you’re using the computer, you don’t need to switch the light on because the computer provides enough light. And if it doesn’t, open the shades and let the light in. But don’t forget! Switch off the computer after you’re done using it.

Step 4, Use less paper. Do you know how many trees are cut down a year just to make paper? Thats right. 3 to 6 billion trees per year. So, use both sides of each paper you use. You can also use pencil instead of a pen. That way if you make mistakes, you will be able to erase it. This is especially useful when doing math problems and while you’re drawing and this way we can absolutely conserve the usage of paper.

Last but not least, is Step 5. Recycle! If you have some old newspapers or plastic bottles that you don’t need anymore don’t throw them away! You can always bring them to the recycling center to be recycled into new materials. But not all things can be recycled. Things which contains chemicals like lightbulbs and batteries are not recyclable but intead they are dangerous and hazardous. Recycling items containing toxic chemicals is not doing the environment a favour. Its even more polluting.

Saving the invironment is not a hard thing to do, so why not start now? With that I end my speech, thank you.





  1. gB,

    thanx eh (bg pihak dak Hanna). :)

  2. sila beranak lagi.
    anak2 kamu bijak2..


  3. satu lagi...

    tenaga yang digunakan untuk recycle plastik adalah lebih banyak daripada membuat plastik baru...

    well again, it depends on the energy source la... kalau energy tu datang dari hydro dam or solar or wind, it's a clean energy but if from coal.. .that's a different story....

  4. Dear Hanna, I agree with you especially on the use less energy at home... for me, it's simply mean less amount in electricity bill...:)

  5. Dino,

    recycle nih dah kira process downstream, mgkn dr segi lain, mudah eh...! dan bulih dilakukan dlm kategori retail, jd mgkn energy wise kita spend more...!

    ok. aku bagi contoh satu kilang plastc-fabrication kat depan rumah pakmak. depa ada injection molding, extrusion dan blowing, kot. dlm industri thermoplastic, biasanya, mereka soften jeh plastik jd end-product, tp raw materials kena beli dalam bulk. depa kata, raw materials PE dalm bentuk pellet, kena order 1 kontena yg reganya dlm RM200k. Profit margin so-so jeh. Sebaliknya, bila depa crush plastik bottle dan buatkan pellet, ship balik ke Jepun, jd incomenya quite lucrative...



  6. sayno2plasticbag,

    i will get Hanna to reply 2 u.


  7. Dear Hanna,
    Congratulation to you! U did well my dear. If i may add, all the remnant @ food balance like orange peel, vege, expired cake even rice from your mother kitchen can be as good as insect killer. Put it in a bottle, added 2 or 3 table spoon of brown sugar and a cup of water..it is like a pickle. After 3 or 4 weeks, you can see the colour will change to a brown and the smell is a bit sour..that is what we call extract or juice. Put a 'juice' in a small stuff and you can place it around the kitchen. Ant and insect won't be around. And your mother don't hv to buy a spray to kill insect..at least you save the environment...

    Since you are the winner in public speaking..pardon me for my 'pasar' english...hihi

  8. Dear sayno2plasticbag,
    Thank you for agreeing with me :)

  9. Dear Lady Windsor,
    Thank you ma'am, i'll try making it someday :)

  10. Hari sabtu hari tanpa plastik...
