Friday, December 23, 2011

Learning English... by catching the phrase.

Learning English is not as easy as you think and not as difficult as well.!

Nothing is so special about mastering English.
No doubt, our former PM, Tun Mahathir, emphasizes that, you must master English for English is a language of knowledge. More specifically on science and mathematics, and not to mention technologies. I couldn't agree more, but, do our citizen, Malaysian to be exact, need to speak in English, or write in English.?

Take two countries, for instance, that have most literate in English, viz. India and Philippines :-
The so called English spoken Indian - mostly, are taxi drivers.
The so called English spoken Filipino - are translators.

By right, these countries are developed one.!

Now, how about countries like Indonesia and Thailand. These countries are better still as compared to India and Philippines, in terms of developments.? Try meeting with one Indonesian, and communicates with him/her in English. I bet, he/she hardly understands you.

Now, my friends...

Learning English... by catching the phrase.

Simple rule applies. 
Remember this.! If you want to be good in English, understands a phrase rather than word by word.

for example :
in Malay : Saya mahu makan tengahari.
in English : I want to take lunch.

but if, you try word by word.
in English (can be) : I want to eat mid-day.

Next :

Simply, if you meets someone, just says :
Hi, how are you?

and you may adds...
Have a nice day.

or, sometimes...
Take care.


if you are...




I am... (this part, Dino may likely object.! who cares...!!! and why bothers...!!!)

you can always says :

I luv U.

ok. see ya.!


  1. tu bukan romantik ye...
    tu kasanova.



  2. Thou shalt speak not, act not in English for language hath not thou tounge...

  3. mem,

    kasanova.?! ish ish ish

    itu dah romantic-maco level7...




    ya... gua setuju. wa nak buat n3 dlm bhs melayu swak lak... :)

    *bahasa melambangkan bangsa...!

  4. aku melayu, yg hensem-maco, brader...

    *melanau tuh bangsa tuan C-eM, Pehin Sri Datuk Patinggi Hj Abdul Taib bin Mahmud...
