Sunday, June 12, 2011


kepada tuan C eM,
seorang yang saya kenal hantar email nih...
Subject: "Dedication" defined..!!!

A very good one....very Malaysian   "Education"... ideal for mass local circulation..!!!
Abu Bekir Taib Mahmud, the second son of Tan Sri Taib Mahmud when interviewed by the Press whether it is true that he is sued for RM 400
million as a divorce settlement from an aussie lady, he admitted that it is true.  When further asked how he managed to amass such wealth, he said is is due
to dedikasi.

When challenged that at his young age, it cannot be possibly due to his dedication in whatever business he is in, he replied, "You must have
 heard wrongly - I said  'daddy kasi'........"
saya harap ini hanyalah parody...!!!

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